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Securities Code:833759

Salary System
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In the public technology, the company is committed to providing employees with comfortable office, living environment, to solve the problems of the staff working life in the future. Comply with the law, and the reference of other companies in the industry's compensation standards, the establishment of a highly competitive salary and welfare system.
1, salary structure: basic salary + salary + salary + performance salary + technical special allowance + post allowance + bonus + Special Contribution Award
2, work time: six days a week, 7.5 hours a day;
3, social security benefits: national legal five social insurance and one housing fund;
4, paid annual leave: according to the provisions of the state employees enjoy paid vacation.
5, on-the-job learning: culture training, job training, skills training, different vocational training
6, subsidies: Travel subsidies, vehicle tolls oil subsidies, subsidies, subsidies, accommodation industrial high subsidies;
7, free medical examination: the company is very concerned about the physical condition of the staff, to enjoy a free medical examination.
8, room and board arrangement: free board and lodging;
9, the company does not regularly organized a variety of employee activities. Development, sports meeting, annual meeting, birthday party, etc.;
