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Function and cultivation of soil microorganism

Publisher:Time:2015-10-30 18:18:13Views:

Soil biological indicators, soil physical indicators and soil chemical indicators are important components of soil quality indicators. With people's cognition and understanding of the soil, the attention of the soil is no longer confined to the soil water, gas, heat, plant nutrition elements, etc., the soil microbial indicators are also more and more attention. The function of microorganism in soil is mainly expressed in the following aspects:

1. The soil structure can be formed in the soil. Soil and is not a simple soil particles and chemical fertilizer combined with the simplicity of, as the active ingredient in the soil, the soil microorganism in the breeding process, through the exchange of metabolic activity of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and the secretion of organic acids, and other have helps form the aggregate structure of the soil particles and finally formed in the true sense of the soil.
2, the most significant effect of soil microorganisms is the decomposition of organic matter. For example, the crop residues and the application of organic fertilizer into the soil, only through the role of soil microorganisms, to decompose, release the nutrients, to crop absorption and utilization; and to form humus, improve the structure of soil and farming.
3, soil microorganisms can also be decomposed minerals. The soil microbial metabolites can promote the dissolution of insoluble substances in the soil. For example, phosphorus bacteria can decompose the phosphorus in phosphorus ore, potassium bacteria can break down the potassium in the ore; the use of crop absorption, improve soil fertility. In addition, the use of urea in the decomposition of soil microorganisms. The soil microbes are like the fertilizer plant in the soil, and the mineral fertilizer in the soil can be processed into a form that can be absorbed and utilized.
4, soil microorganisms and nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen accounts for 4/5, but the plant can not be used directly, some microorganisms can be used in the nitrogen fixation of nitrogen into the air of nitrogen into the plant to be able to use solid nitride, with the soil microorganisms, it is equivalent to the soil has its own nitrogen fertilizer production workshop.
5, soil microorganisms can also regulate the growth of plants. Plant symbiotic microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, fungi, etc. can provide the plant directly with nitrogen, phosphorus and other mineral elements of the nutrition; as well as organic acids, amino acids, vitamins, and other organic nutrition and other organic nutrition, and promote the growth of plants. Soil microbial and plant root nutrition have close relationship, can resist certain pathogenic microorganisms pathogenic role, reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, such as the development of plants in recent years to promote the growth of bacteria.
Soil microbes have such an important role in the cultivation of crops, people need to be aware of the benefits of the cultivation of the soil in the process of agricultural development. In order to increase the number of minerals required for the growth of microorganisms and trace elements; application of organic fertilizer to provide the required carbon source, nitrogen source and energy for microbial growth. A lot of the fertilizer manufacturers also in organic fertilizer added bacteria or direct production of fertilizer to increase the beneficial bacteria in the soil of breeding base. Soil bacteria culture only provide nutrients and bacteria is not enough, also need to improve their living environment. Specific measures are as follows:
1, loose soil compaction, increase soil permeability. Need oxygen to microorganisms (e.g., ammonifying bacteria, Azotobacter and Rhizobium) growth and reproduction provides a source of oxygen and convenience; inhibition of anaerobic microorganisms (denitrifying bacteria) growth and reproduction.
2, adjust the soil pH value (that is, the soil pH). Different pH value of soil, different types of microorganisms. Soil acidity and pathogenic fungi activities strong; harmful microorganisms such as Panama disease, clubroot root disease pathogen in growth in acidic soil; soil is weakly alkaline, suitable for actinomycetes (long-term secretion of quantitative resistance to biomass, disease suppression) growth and reproduction. Due to the number of soil bacteria accounted for 70-90% of the total soil microbial), so just have to adjust the soil pH to soil bacteria growth, reproduction provide a good living environment, and inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria breeding, reduce the incidence of crop, ultimately reducing crop losses.
